The book of 2nd Corinthians calls Christians to examine ourselves. And that’s what I tried to do in exploring this new poem I wrote. It’s a poem of written repentance. I pray many are blessed by it.

My God, why do I serve you…?
Is it for my own glory,
or for my tears
and anxious fears
that through the years
have wore me?

My God, why do I serve you…?
Is it because I want
a miracle of health and wealth
that I covet
and long to flaunt?

My God, why do I serve you…?
What is my inmost aim,
when I cling to pride
and toss aside
commandments to my shame?

My LORD, please let me serve you.
my sickened heart
call me to seek
from a soul, meek,
and then set me apart.

For all my dreams are barren now,
like clouds without the rain.
And as if for some dead sacred cow
my efforts lie in vain.

LORD, strip me of my comforts:
all sheer and stain silk;
and my soul save
through a new crave
for the meat and not just milk.

LORD, shine your light
into my night
through words that guide and beckon…
that I may see
what needs to be
wrestled with and reckoned.

Then, LORD, let me serve You…
while to you, I draw near,
with a heart refined
in your good time
as the thirsting, panting deer.

And, LORD, let me serve you…
let me walk in all your ways,
for they are higher.
Let my desire
be tried by fire
in all the coming days.

Yes, LORD, let me serve you…
from motives pure and true
that my spirit, poor,
may know You more
and may be reborn, anew!

-M. Leanne Todd

References from the Holy Bible:
Line 10 – Exodus 20:17
Line 14 – Proverbs 16:18
Line 18 – 2nd Corinthians 13:5
Line 19 – Jeremiah 17:9
Line 20 – Matthew 7:7-8
Line 21 – Matthew 5:5
Line 22 – Jeremiah 1:1, Colossians 3:12-17, 1 Peter 3:15-17
Line 24 – Proverbs 25:14
Line 25 – Exodus 32:1-35
Line 26 – Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
Line 29 – Psalm 62:1
Line 31 – 1 Corinthians 3:2
Line 32 – John 8:12
Line 34 – Psalm 119:105
Line 35 – Matthew 13:16
Line 37 – Romans 6:11
Line 39 – James 4:8
Line 40 – Isiah 48:10
Line 42 – Psalm 42:1
Line 44 – Deuteronomy 10:12
Line 45 – Isaiah 55:9
Line 47 – Malachi 3:3
Line 51 – Matthew 5:3-4
Line 52 – 1 John 2:4
Line 53 – John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17